Enrolment profile: Campaigner

Green fitness trainer outside talking to group

As someone who is highly committed to climate action, you’ll be looking out for opportunities to do more in your home, work and other parts of your life. Having experienced firsthand the highs and lows of getting involved in climate action, sometimes the pace of progress can feel frustrating.

Climate Habits provides an opportunity for you to connect with an issue you care about at work. You’ll be part of a group of people with diverse backgrounds, who have in common the fact that they want to do more about climate change. You may find there are complete beginners in your group, others who are very committed like you and people who are somewhere in between.

Climate Habits is a programme that encourages people to do more about climate change whatever their experience. Some of the early actions we encourage participants to take may feel like baby steps to you. The rationale behind starting like this is so that everyone has the chance to build their confidence, succeed in taking action and feel they can do more.

As we go through the programme, you may find actions that are personally more stretching to you, or that you discover insights about human behaviour that give you pause for thought about your own habits or future plans.

However you experience setting personal goals as part of Climate Habits, we’d like to invite you to help encourage others to make progress on their goals. That could be celebrating others’ successes, sharing tips and insights and bringing positive energy to the group. We find that when everyone pulls together, motivation for action can be infectious.  As well as making progress on new Climate Habit goals, by taking part we hope you’ll find it positive to see that in action too.